Step 1: Update your resume to highlight your skill set. If you have the same skills as everyone else listed on your resume then what is it exactly that you believe is going to make you stand out above the rest? You have to make sure that you highlight the skill sets that you have which other people do not. It is that unique skill set that is going to give you an edge over your competitors to land the job you always dreamt of.
An example of unique skills you can gain is that of licensures/certificates. These certificates are fairly easy to earn and can be achieved through attending online courses and paying a small fee. Something as simple as that will surely place you a few steps ahead of your competition. Having a basic understanding of the entire industry you are looking into and then having specialty experience or knowledge in certain areas will give you the boost you need to get the finance jobs you want.
Step 2: Polish your resume. By updating your resume and making sure that it looks its absolute best, you have a better shot at your interview. And of course, without the interview, there is no chance of actually getting the job. The resume is where your potential employer decides their first impression of you. You must make sure that it is as polished as it can possibly be whether it is banking jobs you are looking into or something else. Even a well-educated, highly experienced individual can be tossed out of the potential employee pool simply based on a poorly constructed resume. Do not allow that to happen to you.
Step 3: Since there are so many people applying for the various finance job openings, they are now looking for a little help with the decision process. Recruitment agencies are now helping larger corporations with their hiring needs. This means that you will want to get in touch with a few local recruitment agencies that work on finance job placement. All you have to do is register with the company, submit your resume, and wait for a phone call. Since this could very well bring you the employment you need, there is nothing that should hold you back from obtaining all of the help that you can possibly get.