These days you don't even have to go to your own bank's ATM to get the money you need. This leaves those who are trying to get into financial jobs at a slight disadvantage, but it doesn't mean that it is impossible to get a job in this field.
It is true that it will be a little more difficult to get in, and this means that it will be a lot more competitive. There will be more people competing for the different available jobs. Bank managers and those who are high up in the financial services industry will be looking for those who have the highest degrees and the greatest amount of practical experience. You may also be surprised to know that the job structure isn't quite the same as it was in the old days.
You won't be holding the same job in the financial industry as you would have in ages past. It wasn't long ago that a teller at a bank would be a teller for the entire time he/she worked at the bank. It was the same for many others who worked in the financial sector; whoever held a job at the bank held that job for the entire duration. These days the only one who will hold the same job for life is the janitor. You will move around between all different sorts of jobs in the financial sector, and as such things are going to be a little different.
The pace in the workplace is going to be fast. You will be expected to learn all kinds of new things on the fly. For this reason you need to already know several different things and skills, and you should already be studying long beforehand. If you cannot keep up with the fast pace of a financial job, then you will not last long in the field.
The world we live in has changed; it has become more automated, and there are more people competing for the jobs that were once readily available to just about anyone. Requirements have shot through the roof, and employers are looking for more than ever before. To get a job in the most sought after industries you have to be prepared, and to do that you need to make sure that you meet all the qualifications ahead of time and make sure that you are in the know, because it will go a long way.