Working while attending college can help you finance your education. Not so long ago, the average teenager and college student looking for a job had minimal choices such as flipping burgers, paper routes, summer camps and the normal adolescent employment opportunities. Those opportunities, while still available, represent only a small portion of the options available to teenagers today.
Selling your old books is one option. They have to buy them at wholesale prices and then mark them up. Selling books yourself on sites like Amazon and will allow you to make a lot more money. Most college students have a lot of stuff that they spent a lot of money on and don't need any more: Video games, books, and even used shopping bags from Abercrombie & Fitch or Gucci can have value on eBay. Curious about how much your stuff is worth? Just look it up on eBay and see what it's selling for.
Baby-sitting can also be a way to earn great money -- especially if you live in an area with a lot of wealthy families! How profitable can baby-sitting be? Just ask Kevin Federline. Britney Spears agreed to pay him $20,000 per month in child support.
The Internet age has opened up an entirely new world, filled with opportunity, promise, and ways for teen to make money. While the road to opportunity for teens making money online is boundless. People now have the chance to work from home, part-time, full-time, or while they're back-packing through Europe. All you need is a computer and the Internet. There is a gold mine of resources, community help, and start-up opportunities if you just choose to see it. Imagine being able to go out for a tasty cold one after your last Friday afternoon class and not having to worry about calling mom to ask for an advance for next week.
On Campus Employment - It takes a lot of people to run a university! There are positions in the campus bookstore, food court, and residence halls. Look for positions in the department or school of your major. Very often there will be administrative jobs in those departments that could help you get experience in your job field. Ask your professors if they know of any openings in the department.