The broad-billed hummingbird, with its hovering wings, metallic green feathers and red-orange bill, probes the nectar-filled recesses of a thistle flower. Detecting the vital juices, the hummer's long, grooved tongue with a split and frayed tip darts to the dainty reservoir and laps up the sweet succulent like a fine brush. The tiny flier also has a taste for pollen grains, spiders and small insects.
Coronado National Forest, Ariz.
Madera Canyon, Ariz
Cascada de Bassaseachi Nat'I Park Chihuahua
Arareko Ecotourist Complex, Chihuahua
Cooper Canyon, Chihuahua
Cumbres de Majalca Nat'I Park Chihuahua
Bolson de Mapimi Reserve, Durango
Guadalupe Canyon, N.M.
Bandelier National Monument, N.M.
Carlsbad Caverns National Park, N.M.
Desert National Wildlife Range, Nev.
Zion National park, Utah
Stocky hummingbird
long red-orange bill
metallic green back
broad, notched tail
males: metallic blue throat, white underparts
females: with throat, gray underparts
Throbbing hum of wings
Clipped "je-dit" call