Some are even business men and woman, pursuing finance careers, banking finance jobs or even chasing down their MBA while supplementing income with freelance written pieces.
So where do you begin, to become a freelance writer? First and foremost, take time out to study your craft. Writers of any kind must be voracious readers. Find the sort of freelance work you are looking to do and read examples so you can get a feel for your genre. Be careful, however, not to take TOO much away from these examples. Plagiarism is already rampant online; don't add to the problem. Associate Content is a portal for you to expose your writing to the critical eye of other writers and the public, and garner feedback on your style. EmploymentCrossing and others devote small sections to paid-by-piece freelance writing jobs open to amateurs. While you are searching for that dream finance job, why not pick up a little freelance writing work? All it can do is help. Even those in finance careers need writing experience for drafting business communications, after all!
And always remember: being a freelance writer doesn't mean you can't explore other career options. Go ahead, look for that CFO jobs that you've always wanted, apply for investment banking jobs and careers in finance or business. Freelancing is part-time - sometimes even referred to as moonlighting. It's a great secondary career to supplement your income as you are on your way to greatness!