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Bad Credit Credit Cards - Choosing The Right Credit Card

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Summary: If you have bad credit, your credit card options are limited. Aside from many credit card companies denying your application, individuals with bad credit usually receive very low credit limits and additional fees. When applying for a credit card, choosing the right card is essential. Here are a few tips to consider when selecting a credit card. Take Advantage of Bad Credit Credit Cards Before applying for a major credit card with a bank, carefully consider your credi...

If you have bad credit, your credit card options are limited. Aside from many credit card companies denying your application, individuals with bad credit usually receive very low credit limits and additional fees. When applying for a credit card, choosing the right card is essential. Here are a few tips to consider when selecting a credit card. Take Advantage of Bad Credit Credit Cards Before applying for a major credit card with a bank, carefully consider your credit rating. Credit card inquiries will decrease your credit score. Thus, avoiding too many inquiries is important. To do so, limit the number of times you apply for credit. Rather, choose one or two companies that are likely to approve your application. For example, if your credit rating is bad, it's realistic to assume that the odds of getting approved are slim. With this said, it helps to research bad credit credit cards. Several companies issue unsecured and secured credit cards to people with bad credit. This is a great way to improve credit rating and re-establish a good credit history. Criteria for Choosing a Bad Credit Credit Card Although bad credit will stand in the way of obtaining low rates on a credit card, researching various companies and comparing offers is smart. Many credit card companies make claims of offering bad credit credit cards to help individuals improve their credit. However, some companies use this as the perfect opportunity to take advantage of people like you. Before applying for a bad credit credit card, read the fine print for information pertaining to user fees. If choosing a secured card, you likely need to open a savings account and deposit at least $200. This deposit serves as collateral. Because your credit limit is the same as the deposit, if you refuse to pay the credit card, the lender simply claims your money. In addition to opening a savings account, most secured bad credit credit cards have several upfront or startup fees. This might include a $50 annual fee, $10 monthly service fee, and $20 startup fee. Thus, there is a balance on the credit card before you even receive it. Unfortunately, extra fees on a bad credit credit card are unavoidable. However, by carefully researching different online credit card companies, it is possible to find a company with lower fees, and one that offers a lower interest rate.
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