After a foreclosure, you may be a little hesitant to apply for a new home loan. Moreover, several lenders will question your ability and willingness to repay the mortgage. Although there are many obstacles to getting approved for a mortgage loan after a foreclosure, homeownership is attainable. The key is choosing the right lender and picking the best finance package.
Which Lenders Offer Mortgages after Foreclosure?
Traditional mortgage lenders such as banks, mortgage c...
After a foreclosure, you may be a little hesitant to apply for a new home loan. Moreover, several lenders will question your ability and willingness to repay the mortgage. Although there are many obstacles to getting approved for a mortgage loan after a foreclosure, homeownership is attainable. The key is choosing the right lender and picking the best finance package.
Which Lenders Offer Mortgages after Foreclosure?
Traditional mortgage lenders such as banks, mortgage companies, and credit unions rarely offer loans to those with a past foreclosure. However, some traditional lenders will offer sub prime loans to those with poor credit. Sub prime loans are intended especially for people with a low credit score. If your home was recently foreclosed, you likely have a negative credit rating. In this instance, a sub prime loan is helpful.
Although some traditional lenders offer sub prime loans, there selection is limited. Moreover, these lenders may require a down payment. If you are hoping to get approved with no money down, it may help to apply with a lender that specializes in bad credit mortgage loans.
Finding Sub Prime Mortgage Lenders
The easiest and most effective means of finding a good sub prime lender is through a mortgage broker. Brokers can be found locally or on the internet. Online mortgage brokers allow easy loan comparisons. Making comparisons are necessary for ensuring you get the lowest mortgage rate possible. If comparing quotes without a broker, you will have to contact each individual lender. This can be easily avoided by using a broker.
Benefits of a Mortgage Loan Quote
Neglecting to obtain several mortgage quotes may cost you thousands of dollars throughout the life of the loan. When requesting a mortgage quote after a foreclosure, you must provide the lender with accurate information in order to receive a precise quote.
Once the lender reviews your information, they will remit a rough quote. Loan quotes consists of estimated mortgage rate, loan terms, monthly payments, etc. Quotes are no-obligation. Thus, you have the right to refuse or accept a lender's offer. Lender comparisons can aid a person with choosing the right lender, and help bad credit applicants avoid deceitful lenders.