A bad credit score doesn't prevent you from applying for a credit card. There are many financial institutions that have credit card offers for people with bad credit. Of course the major credit card companies try to limit their risk and are more inclined to approve those with good credit.
The issuers who specialize in granting credit card accounts to those with damaged credit do it at an elevated liability. Because of this added risk, the choice of a credit card available ...
A bad credit score doesn't prevent you from applying for a credit card. There are many financial institutions that have credit card offers for people with bad credit. Of course the major credit card companies try to limit their risk and are more inclined to approve those with good credit.
The issuers who specialize in granting credit card accounts to those with damaged credit do it at an elevated liability. Because of this added risk, the choice of a credit card available for people with bad credit is narrower, but not impossible. You can even use the bad credit credit card to raise your FICO score.
When looking for a bad credit credit card, it's best to compare a number of offers before you decide which card is right for you. The cards offered for imperfect credit vary from unsecured with low credit limits and higher interest rates, to prepaid credit cards or debit cards, where a deposit is required as collateral for your charges.
If you choose an unsecured credit card for people with bad credit, it would be best to pay the balance in full each month as the interest rate charged is higher. But in order to help rebuild your FICO score, you might want to hold over a small portion of the balance every-other month and pay the balance the next month.
Should you decide on a prepaid credit card or a secured credit card, it can be used just like any regular card and give you access to your funds at any ATM. Your credit limit is set by the amount on deposit and you may even receive interest on your funds.
Before you apply for that new card, be sure the issuer reports regularly to the three credit reporting agencies. After a period of time paying your balance according to the terms and conditions of the card, re-negotiate with your financial institution for a better credit card deal, including higher limit and lower interest rate.
With proper planning, you can use this time period of using the credit card for people with bad credit to your advantage and rebuild your credit score which will then save you money in the future.