The WorldPerks Visa is the perfect visa for anyone who loves to travel and already has a great credit standing. With this card you can earn up to 1mile with each dollar spent, as well every time you pay your yearly fee you earn 55miles on your card.
The WorldPerks Visa is the perfect visa for anyone who loves to travel and already has a great credit standing. With this card you can earn up to 1mile with each dollar spent, as well every time you pay your yearly fee you earn 55miles on your card. When you apply for the WorldPerks Visa and are approved you automatically earn another 7,500 miles! These miles that are earned and can be accumulated are good for free travels with Northwest Airlines and their partnering airlines.
There are many airline reward cards available today, many with high yearly fees. WorldPerks only charges a $55 yearly fee which is considerably reasonable if compared to the many other airline reward cards. Although the yearly fee is lower than the average airline rewards card, the interest rates are not. The policy with the WorldPerks Visa is that the APR's are tied to the highest prime rate during a 3month period. This means for you as a card holder that the interest rates you are paying with every purchase you make may never reach their all time lows.
If you choose to pay your credit card in full each month you will find yourself with a great deal of addition benefits. WorldPerks visa offers their good standing creditors travel accident insurance, auto rental insurance and purchase protection services.
On average the APR for purchases is 17.75%. This is slightly higher than many other visas' but with WorldPerks Visa the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. With a $7,500 max and the thousands of dollars in earned airline miles, WorldPerks Visa is a great choice for any world traveler and good standing credit holder.
Applying for a WorldPerks Visa is a simple process and can be completed online via their website. Completing these few simple steps and forms will allow you to begin earning tons of airline miles through participating restaurants and more! Apply with WorldPerks today and start earning every time you spend!