Identity theft is fast becoming the major way in which criminals are stealing your money. They are not only stealing your money but they are stealing your identity, using your personal details to gain access to your credit and open up new accounts in your name redirecting the mail to a new address.
Identity theft is fast becoming the major way in which criminals are stealing your money. They are not only stealing your money but they are stealing your identity, using your personal details to gain access to your credit and open up new accounts in your name redirecting the mail to a new address.
It is fast becoming easier for criminals to steal your identity as record numbers of consumers are obtaining credit cards and using their credit cards on unsecured websites. It is not only using your credit card in what may seem to be otherwise normal situations that you need to be wary of. You should make sure that credit card statements are disposed of in the correct manner as well as all material that includes your personal details.
Situations that you may think normal when using your credit card could be otherwise threatening your identity. Corrupt cashiers or waiters could easily scan the black strip on the back of your credit card to obtain details that they can then use to clone your card. When purchasing goods or paying for your bill never let your credit card out of your sight as it would be more difficult for fraudsters to swipe your card.
Other scanning machines that you need to look out for are at cash machines where you insert your card. Criminals have been known to attach these scanners at cash machines duping customers. If when using a cash machine and you think there might be a scanner attached do not use the cash machine and report it as soon as you can.
If you are not security conscious when buying online you could become a victim of identity theft. When purchasing an item on the internet be sure the site is secure as you may be entering your credit card details. You can check this by making sure there is a padlock symbol on your browser bar. You may also wish to have a Paypal account, which will further protect you from online fraud. New security measures are being updated frequently to try and erase the problem of online fraud.
Personal Documents
When disposing of your credit card statements, bills or any documents that may have your personal details included on them you must think about who may be able to have access to them. Investing in a shredder will eliminate prying eyes seeing your details and they are quite a cheap investment considering the amount of money you could lose if you were to fall victim of identity theft.
It is important to check your credit card statements against receipts every month to verify what you have bought and what you are paying for. Any kind of misuse on your credit card should show up and you can then act on it immediately.
Be vigilant and be just as protective of your personal details as you would be your cash.