There are many different types of credit cards. In this competitive area, many companies are now offering special rewards credit cards to bribe you to use their cards. There are numerous types of rewards credit cards to choose from. It is likely that no matter what your interests are, there is likely a rewards credit card just for you.
One of the most common types of rewards credit cards are the travel rewards cards. Travel rewards credit cards earn points that can be red...
There are many different types of credit cards. In this competitive area, many companies are now offering special rewards credit cards to bribe you to use their cards. There are numerous types of rewards credit cards to choose from. It is likely that no matter what your interests are, there is likely a rewards credit card just for you.
One of the most common types of rewards credit cards are the travel rewards cards. Travel rewards credit cards earn points that can be redeemed toward savings on flights, hotels, car rental and sometimes even cruise travel. If you travel allot and use a credit card, perhaps you may want to opt for a credit card that will save you money on travel, and may even earn you some freebies.
Another common type of rewards credit card is the cash back rewards credit cards. These cards offer you cash rewards on a percentage of your total purchases. These cards are also known as cash rebate credit cards. If you are looking to apply for a cash rewards credit card, you will want to pay particular attention to your interest rates. If you commonly have a balance outstanding on your credit card, you will want to make sure that you don't negate the benefit of a cash back rewards card by paying high interest rates and penalties.
Toady's world and its soaring gas prices have paved the way for a new type of rewards credit card to gain in popularity. The gas station rewards credit cards came about as a way to encourage customer loyalty and save money on gas at the same time. Often issued in partnership with gas companies, gas rewards credit cards offer you the chance to earn free gas or get discounts on gas. Sometimes, gas rewards also come in the form of a rebate, much like the cash back rewards cards discussed earlier.
Another unique type of rewards card that has come about lately will help parents with college expenses. The Citi