Generally speaking, when you hold a travel credit card, you would be subjected to rather hefty annual fees, blackout dates, expiry dates and capacity-control restrictions. In some instances who you travel with, and who you book through are subject to conditions too.
This is where the Blue Sky from American Express credit cards, broke the proverbial mould.
Generally speaking, when you hold a travel credit card, you would be subjected to rather hefty annual fees, blackout dates, expiry dates and capacity-control restrictions. In some instances who you travel with, and who you book through are subject to conditions too.
This is where the Blue Sky from American Express credit cards, broke the proverbial mould.
Blue Sky Credit Card Rewards
The reward scheme that comes with the Blue Sky credit cards is hassle free. You will earn one point for every dollar's worth of eligible purchases made, that you can redeem in 7,500 (or $100) increments towards any flight, hotel, car rental and cruise charges. You are free to either book directly with any airline, hotel or internet site, or through the travel agent / tour operator of your choice. Unlike most other travel credit cards, Blue Sky from American Express imposes no caps or limits on the redemption of points. You will also not have to suffer the frustration of blackout dates and seat restrictions. Best of all, the points are not subject to expiry dates. This leaves you with some elbow room in terms of saving points towards a dream trip.
Blue Sky Credit Card Fees
The Blue Sky from American Express credit card carries no annual fee, and credit card holders can obtain additional cards at no extra fee. Depending on your credit rating you can enjoy a 0% APR for the first 15 months on all the purchases you make. The APR after the introductory period starts at 12.24%, should you exceed the 20 day grace period. Balance transfers carry a very low APR of 4.99%, making Blue Sky credit cards ideal for credit card consolidation purposes.
Blue Sky Credit Card Privileges
As a holder of the Blue Sky from American Express credit card, you will also be entitled to special offers such as access to concerts and charity events; receive discounts on music and music downloads; become eligible to enter contests, and more.
Blue Sky Credit Card Benefits
The Blue Sky from American Express credit card offers the full scope of retail and travel protection. This includes: