The state of Nevada has several services and advocacy groups that help the elderly who are in need of long term care. Some of the groups are listed below:
Advocate for Elders : Just as the name implies, they are advocates and offer assistance to seniors 60 or older who are primarily homebound.
The state of Nevada has several services and advocacy groups that help the elderly who are in need of long term care. Some of the groups are listed below:
Advocate for Elders : Just as the name implies, they are advocates and offer assistance to seniors 60 or older who are primarily homebound.
Community Home-Based Initiatives Program (CHIP ) offers non-medical services to seniors 65 and older to help them maintain independence in their own homes rather than being placed in a nursing home.
Elder Protective Services (EPS) provides services for seniors 60 and over who may be experiencing abuse, isolation, neglect or exploitation.
Homemaker Program: A community based service that believes in home care can help preserve or improve quality of life and reduce the need for unnecessary out of home care.
Long Term Ombudsman: Long Term Care Ombudsman Program was created to deal with issues and challenges that residents in long-term care facilities face. The Ombudsman ensures confidentiality of a resident's records and protects the in the event of a complaint.
Senior Ride Program: (Clark County only): Senior Ride program provides discounted taxi fares to seniors and people with disabilities living in Clark County .
State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP): Provides counseling, information and assistance to Medicare beneficiaries statewide in Nevada. They offer one on one counseling and assistance for problems that seniors encounter with Medicaid supplemental health insurance and long term care options.
Tax Assistance/Rent Rebate Program: Seniors 62 and older may receive a rebate of a portion of their property taxes on their own home or by property taxes paid by renter though their rent.
Waiver for the Elderly in Adult Residential Care (WEARC): A program for seniors 65 and older that offers a less expensive alternative to supervised care in a residential setting.
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