When you are the holder of American Express AIR MILES credit card, or American Express AIR MILES Gold credit card, or American Express AIR MILES card for small business, you can take full advantage of the combined benefits of credit card convenience and earning rewards points whenever you purchase using the card. These cards are issued for Canadian citizens by AMEX Bank of Canada, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the American Express Travel Related Service Company, Inc. in New Yo...
When you are the holder of American Express AIR MILES credit card, or American Express AIR MILES Gold credit card, or American Express AIR MILES card for small business, you can take full advantage of the combined benefits of credit card convenience and earning rewards points whenever you purchase using the card. These cards are issued for Canadian citizens by AMEX Bank of Canada, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the American Express Travel Related Service Company, Inc. in New York.
The American Express AIR MILES Reward Program in Canada, which began in 1992, has signed up about 72 percent of Canadian households who can become entitled to lifestyle rewards in various forms, such as travel and leisure, merchandise, and entertainment. They earn points that go towards these rewards by making their everyday purchases of items at establishments participating in the AIR MILES program. If you have both an AIR MILES collector card and an American Express AIR MILES credit card, you earn more reward points because you get rewards credits on both cards.
With every 20 dollars you purchase using the American Express AIR MILES credit card, you earn one point on your AIR MILES card. Note that only those card holders that are in good standing are eligible for this. The only other restriction is that cash advances, interest charges, Amex credit card cheques, transferred balances from other credit cards, and other fees are not eligible to earn reward miles because these are not retail purchases. For the same reason, transaction fees for cashing traveler's cheques and converting foreign currencies will not earn reward miles.
To maximize earning the rewards miles of your American Express AIR MILES credit card, shop at the participating sponsors of AIR MILES rewards program across Canada. There are over 14,000 of these sponsors, representing a broad section of retail and service locations and different industries active in the Canadian economy. Depending on the individual sponsor offers and participating locations, you may be required to make a minimum amount of purchase on the American Express AIR MILES credit card to earn rewards miles. And there may be transactions that are not eligible for the rewards program using your American Express AIR MILES credit card.
When you earn sufficient reward miles in your American Express AIR MILES credit card, you may redeem them for 800 different products and services including electronic merchandise, airline tickets, and much more. However, in the case of airline tickets, you will have to shoulder the payment for applicable taxes, related transportation fees, governmental fees, excess baggage and other non-ticket costs.
To qualify for approval of American Express AIR MILES credit card, you must meet the minimum requirements imposed by the company. Being a Canadian resident and having a Canadian credit file are a must. You must be at least at the age of majority in your respective province. Your personal annual income must be at least 15,000 Canadian dollars, and you must not have filed for bankruptcy within the past seven years prior to filing your application for American Express AIR MILES credit card.