In October 2007 the safety organization "Tyresafe" ran a campaign which highlighted how important the tyres of your car are to your safety, with claims on insurance policies resulting from accidents caused by worn or dangerous tyres. In order to emphasize this there has been a request that garages give out free checks to motorists such as checking the pressure of the tyres of drivers that are driving legally on the road with car insurance. So when you take out a cheap car ins...
In October 2007 the safety organization "Tyresafe" ran a campaign which highlighted how important the tyres of your car are to your safety, with claims on insurance policies resulting from accidents caused by worn or dangerous tyres. In order to emphasize this there has been a request that garages give out free checks to motorists such as checking the pressure of the tyres of drivers that are driving legally on the road with car insurance. So when you take out a cheap car insurance policy you can get more than just peace of mind that you have insurance but also a free tyre check.
It is thought that up to a quarter of all motorists on the road drive around with tyres that are worn and some of these are considered to be deadly. Worn tyres means your car has less grip on the road and with winter and icy weather fast approaching checking your tyres and replacing them is just as important as taking out and finding a cheap car insurance policy. If car insurance prices are to remain low then it is essential that claims are kept to a minimum and worn tyres are just one of the many reasons which can cause an accident and so boost up the cost of car insurance.
If you want the cheapest quotes for car insurance then you can do more than just keep a check on how worn your tyres get, keeping your car parked in a garage instead of on the road, installing the latest security features such as immobilisers, car alarms, etching windows with the number plate and fitting tracking devices call all reduce the cost of the insurance. To make further savings you can limit the type of insurance you take out instead of taking out fully comprehensive insurance which gives the most cover including covering both cars to be repaired if you should be in an accident, fire and theft and giving cover for passengers it is the dearest type of car insurance and you can take out third party. Third party fire and theft will pay for damage done to the other car in an accident and insure your own car if it should be stolen or damaged through fire and is a lot cheaper than taking out fully comp.
If you are not sure which type of car insurance is the right type for your needs then check out the specialists website as they will offer plenty of helpful advice, hints and tips and articles to help you choose the right type of insurance. Along with this you can also learn how to make the best savings on your car insurance and of course out your car insurance policy search in the hands of the specialist broker in order to be able to obtain the best deal. Specialist will be able to conduct a search throughout the entire car insurance marketplace which saves you not only a great deal of time but also money and allows you to insure your car cheaply.