Possibly most people today are aware of the great difference between term life insurance and bank mortgage insurance. People know that the bank owns the insurance (you don't) you have to pay for it (they don't) they are the beneficiary (your heirs are not) and it goes on and on.
Term Life Insurance
But apart from those good reasons, remember also that most bank mortgage life insurance is a lot more expensive. But it is not only more costly in dollars, it is also a lot m...
Possibly most people today are aware of the great difference between term life insurance and bank mortgage insurance. People know that the bank owns the insurance (you don't) you have to pay for it (they don't) they are the beneficiary (your heirs are not) and it goes on and on.
Term Life Insurance
But apart from those good reasons, remember also that most bank mortgage life insurance is a lot more expensive. But it is not only more costly in dollars, it is also a lot more expensive in human anguish.
Term Life Insurance Comparison
Take your own situation or the situation of a friend that fits this scenario. Married with children, one spouse dies suddenly. The family has the normal comittments of daily living expenses all of which continue.
But what does the bank do, if you have bought their plan and not term life insurance? They pay off the mortgage but leave no money for the family's every day needs!
If this couple had bought term life insurance, the survivor would have the money to continue to pay the mortgage as well as being able to look after the family.
Term Life Insurance Continues
Again, assume there had been a term life insurance policy and the mortgage had been obtained at favorable rates. Compared to today, it would have been very financially advantageous NOT to pay off the mortgage. Because now, if the survivor needs to take out another mortgage to continue the same standard of living, interest rates are higher along with the monthly payments.
You need to think carefully about term life insurance and bank mortgage insurance.
- You the owner and not the financial institution, own the insurance policy
- Your policy is created specifically for your needs
- You, not the bank, decide if you wish to cancel
- You choose your own beneficiary; the bank is not the beneficiary
- You don't have to worry about your term insurance premiums increasing
- You decide whether to continue with the insurance if you sell the house
- Your policy is renewed up until the end of the period you select not what the bank selects
- Your policy amount remains the same, but not the banks policy
- You choose how to spend the money instead of the bank
- You can keep your policy even if you move the mortgage
- You pay less! You will pay as much as 40% less for your term life insurance policy.