Do your ears perk up when hear that your favorite store is having a sale? Do you spend endless hours surfing the internet for discounts? Does it feel good to help others? I bet most of you answered yes to these questions. In fact I will take that one step further & surmise that you'd probably donate more often if you could do so just by shopping. Am I right? Then read on, my friend, I have something terrific to share with you.
I discovered that there's an online shopping m...
Do your ears perk up when hear that your favorite store is having a sale? Do you spend endless hours surfing the internet for discounts? Does it feel good to help others? I bet most of you answered yes to these questions. In fact I will take that one step further & surmise that you'd probably donate more often if you could do so just by shopping. Am I right? Then read on, my friend, I have something terrific to share with you.
I discovered that there's an online shopping mall with at least 1000 stores in it. Gap, Kohls, Target, Nike, Home Depot, Perfumania, K Mart, PETsMART, Best Buy, Star Bucks, Avon and many more stores are included in the mall. This shopping mall is unique because it's FREE to register, prices are competitive, and you get discounts or earn rebates when you shop.
A brilliant person, Ginny Dye, found a way that we all can help others just by shopping online. I'm not kidding, it's true. Through Ginny's efforts when we register and shop online at "My Power Mall," 6.5% of all corporate profits go into the One-Child-At-A-Time program. This program helps needy children all over the country. An added benefit of shopping online is that you don't have to waste your hard earned money on expensive gas so that you can drive to the mall, nor do you have to fight the crowds. Don't you wish that you would have thought of this idea? I do!
Today's society desires and appreciates convenience. Well, what could be more convenient than shopping online in the comfort of your own home? If you want to do some holiday shopping, buy a wedding gift or birthday present, but hesitate to go out in the cold, then "My Power Mall" is for you. Just stay home & shop on your own online mall.
You might say this sounds too good to be true. I agree, it does sound that way, but this is the real deal. It is important, however, to find out if any of the stores charge a shipping fee. If so, compare the cost vs getting mauled at the mall? Some stores offer free shipping depending upon the dollar amount of your purchase.
The online shopping mall is totally FREE to sign up & shop online. When I first heard about this opportunity I was a little skeptical, so I checked it out. I was very impressed with how easy it is to use. Plus, it feels good to know that I'm benefiting children simply by shopping online. I have to admit that it is fun to shop too!
You owe it to yourself and those kids who receive the donations to take a look at this. There's no obligation and no fee to register. If you're like me and you enjoy helping others I recommend that you register for your free online shopping mall.
Just think, you could get all of your holiday shopping done early this year, help others and earn money at the same time. Wouldn't it be great to receive rebate checks after the holiday season is over, instead of getting bills in the mail?
Together, we can make a better world!