Credit cards have certainly become a necessity in this millennium. Walk into any store and you will find the sign, "We accept credit cards", hanging at the door. Moreover, people in general are increasingly going the credit card way when they have to pay a variety of bills. In the old days, if someone wanted to buy a product on credit, some sellers made it a point to ask for security. This was the way in which they reassured themselves that the buyer would pay for the wares. ...
Credit cards have certainly become a necessity in this millennium. Walk into any store and you will find the sign, "We accept credit cards", hanging at the door. Moreover, people in general are increasingly going the credit card way when they have to pay a variety of bills. In the old days, if someone wanted to buy a product on credit, some sellers made it a point to ask for security. This was the way in which they reassured themselves that the buyer would pay for the wares. Similarly, when we approach banks for personal loans, they have what is called secured loans wherein the borrower needs to offer property or some other kind of an asset as collateral. The bank will hold custody of the same for as long as the loan is being repaid. However, if the borrower fails to make the payment, the bank can either sell or auction the asset and recover the amount that had been loaned. This collateral is held as security by the bank till the loan duration is completed. The asset used as collateral is finally returned to the borrower upon clearance of the loan amount.
By offering a secured loan, the creditor is saved from unnecessary risk. At the same time, the borrower also realizes that he needs to keep up with the payments if he does not want his property to be lost. One very familiar loan type offered by banks is what is called a savings secured loan. This is a loan whereby the borrower is required to have an existing savings account with the bank and a portion of the funds in the account is used as collateral. Since he has been with the bank for a while, the banker knows of his credit standing and knows that the loan is covered. Once the loan is repaid, the portion held as collateral is relieved and given back to the borrower.
Another form of secured loan is the mortgage loan wherein the borrower has to put up his house or any property against the money that has been lent to him. If the person concerned has a good financial standing and is sure of being able to repay the loan, then he should opt for the secured loan as this offers the least risk and it may charge a lower amount of interest. In case he is not able to repay the borrowed amount, the bank will do a foreclosure. What this means is that the bank will take possession of the property and dispose of it in any way that it desires in order to obtain the money due to them. However, if a loan was secured whereby the borrower bought a vehicle or property, the bank has the right to repossess the same in order to get back the loan amount.
These are just two of the various kinds of secured loans that are available in today's markets. The astute loan seeker would have to do some extensive looking around if he wishes to find loans that are among the cheapest in the market.