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You Can Get A Credit Card

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Summary: Believe it or not, even if you have bad credit you will be able to get your very own credit card, albeit it would be a little bit harder than the usual. The following are tips and advice to help you get a credit card even if you have not so good credit. Apply small at first It is a good idea to initially apply for credit cards at small retail shops and stores. Usually, such small companies are a lot more open to giving creditors a chance compared to those large ou...

Believe it or not, even if you have bad credit you will be able to get your very own credit card, albeit it would be a little bit harder than the usual. The following are tips and advice to help you get a credit card even if you have not so good credit. Apply small at first It is a good idea to initially apply for credit cards at small retail shops and stores. Usually, such small companies are a lot more open to giving creditors a chance compared to those large outlets. Once your application for a credit card is accepted, and once you make a purchase, try - as much as possible - to pay the least minimum amount each month and try to pay on or before the due date. Take note that if you pay a bit more than the minimum amount required, the interest charge you have to pay will not be as much. Do not be afraid to go to the bank It is always a good idea to go to the saving or lending institution of your choice. They could be willing to offer you your own credit card especially if your business is already theirs. If everything else fails, it is always a good idea to go for a credit card that is secured. This process requires you to maintain, open an account for savings as this will be used as a security for your credit line. The credit line that will be given to you will actually come from the percentage of your own deposit. Pay on time every time In the process of acquiring your own credit card, always remember to continuously pay for all the other bills you have, as scheduled. This saves you the effort and money of paying unnecessary interest charges, surcharges and delayed payment rates. Do not hog credit cards It is always advisable to keep not more than two credit cards. One is enough, two is too much and three is just a crowd in your wallet as well as in your head as you have to make a way to pay off any charges incurred on it. Credit cards make it easy enough to charge anything and everything. It is a temptation on plastic. Take note that having one credit card would make you an easy target for other credit card offers. Think wise and be smart Two credit cards are more than enough, with one having a lot larger credit limit and would probably come in handy for any financial emergencies. It is also best to use credit cards that come from the more generally accepted credit card companies such as Amex, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, etc. Believe it or not, there are credit cards that do not require you to pay annual fees. Use these credit cards as you will save a lot. If still denied If in case you are still denied by a lending institution, the law requires that such an institution tell you the reason why you were denied credit. Try to request for a copy of your own credit report and check for yourself what the details indicated. Overspending is not a good idea Utilize credit cards wisely. Never overspend. Use cards like you would cash, cautiously and wisely. Buy stuff you know you could afford to pay. All in all, there are a lot of cards which has an interest rate that range anywhere between eighteen percent to twenty one percent. If you have difficulty paying your monthly balance, you are probably spending more money than you could afford to pay.
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