A secured loan is a loan that allows you to borrow money based on collateral. Usually the collateral for a secured loan is a home that the lender has purchased and partially paid for. In this case, the equity in the home would allow the lender satisfaction of repayment.
When applying for a secured loan, you will find that the secured loan process goes a lot faster if you are prepared with all of your needed information ahead of time. Here are a few things that will most li...
A secured loan is a loan that allows you to borrow money based on collateral. Usually the collateral for a secured loan is a home that the lender has purchased and partially paid for. In this case, the equity in the home would allow the lender satisfaction of repayment.
When applying for a secured loan, you will find that the secured loan process goes a lot faster if you are prepared with all of your needed information ahead of time. Here are a few things that will most likely be asked on your secured loan application
For your secured loan, you will need the names and addresses of your employers within the last few years. The secured loan application will most likely also ask for the name of your position at that job and the amount of time you have been employed there.
All loan applications, including secured loan applications, will require you to report your salary, along with having verifiable proof for later, such as tax returns and one or two recent pay check stubs. When applying for a secured loan, plan on having tax returns from the past two years available for verification.
In order to complete the request for your secured loan, you will also need to have proof of any child support payments, social security benefits, and additional monies, if they are considered income. Your secured loan application will also need the names and addresses of all of your banks, as well as the account numbers of your checking and savings accounts. Secured loan applications will also require the current balances on all of those bank accounts. It may be helpful to keep copies of two statements available in case this needs to be verified in the secured loan process.
If you have any investments, you will need to report these on your secured loan application. Also, any life insurance policies will be relevant to the secured loan process, and you will need to know the cash value and the amount of coverage of each.
Any vehicles you own will need to be listed on the secured loan application as well, and before you fill out the secured loan application, you will most likely want to find out the year, make, and value of these automobiles.
One of the most important parts of your secured loan application will be a list of all of your current loans and credit card balances. The secured loan application will also need account numbers, the names of your lending institutions, and the amount of your monthly minimum payments. If there are any problems with past credit history, it may be advantageous to attach a written explanation of these issues when you turn in your application for a secured loan.
Finally, when applying for your secured loan, you will need information about your mortgage, including the monthly amount you pay, the name of your lending institution, and the year when you purchased the home.
Putting this information in order before you apply for your secured loan will most likely speed up the process and allow you to have an answer about your secured loan as quickly as possible.