Summary: has announced a domain charity raffle to compliment the grand opening of its charity drive. Raffle participation is free and allows participants to contribute to a worthy cause. has announced its official launch in February 2008 with a raffle that will further assist the worthy causes supported by this project. Never before has a charity drive been created to sell a domain for charity.
Buyer of this domain held by this domain charity will be certain to receive substantial media attention, as is always the case in a worthy charity drive. Therefore, participants will benefit not only from taking part in the Most Expensive Domain Sold raffle charity drive, but they'll also be able to take advantage of a few notable moments in the spotlight.
Most Expensive Domain Sold is an online domain charity which makes a donation from the sell of this domain for charity. Anyone can sign up as an affiliate to help this noble cause. It allows people to donate their time and creativity in order to collect necessary funds for commendable charities. Charities currently include: Feed the Children, Seacology, and the American Red Cross. The number of list charity benefiting from the charity drive will grow with the program.
The Most Expensive Domain Sold raffle will allocate 50 percent of the price of the domain sold for charity for to the worthy cause. Then, 25 percent will be awarded to the first place winner, 10 percent will go to the second place winner, and 5 percent will be won by the third place winner. The remaining 10 percent will be applied to the development and upkeep of the Most Expensive Domain Sold domain charity. Each raffle winner is free to spend their winnings however they wish. Official receipts and final totals will be disclosed on the website upon completion of the raffle.
In order to earn raffle tickets, participants must sign up for the Most Expensive Domain Sold affiliate program. Membership in the affiliate program is entirely free. It is then up to the participants to begin producing traffic to the website. For every referral sent by an affiliate, that affiliate is awarded one raffle ticket. Therefore, the greater the referral efforts, the better the chances of winning the raffle.
Participation is simple, free, and good for the heart. Anyone can take part and build funds for charities in ways they'd never otherwise be able to achieve.
For more information about Most Expensive Domain Sold and its domain charity raffle, visit the website at