Maybe you're buying your first home in Massachusetts, or perhaps you're relocating to Massachusetts from another state. Either way, it's important that you educate yourself on Massachusetts home loans before shopping for a home and mortgage. This article explains what you'll need to know before buying a home in Massachusetts.
Maybe you're buying your first home in Massachusetts, or perhaps you're relocating to Massachusetts from another state. Either way, it's important that you educate yourself on Massachusetts home loans before shopping for a home and mortgage. This article explains what you'll need to know before buying a home in Massachusetts:
The median price of a home in Massachusetts is $185,700. Recently, homes in Massachusetts have been appreciating at rates below the national average. However, in some parts of Massachusetts, homes appreciate faster than incomes rise. As a result, income levels in many parts of Massachusetts are too low to purchase a median-priced home with a conventional loan.
The price of homes in Massachusetts varies widely between zip codes. For example, in Marion, Massachusetts, the median price of a home in the summer of 2005 was $700,000; however, in Rochester, Massachusetts, the median price of a home was $450,000, and in Acushnet, Massachusetts, it was $350,000. Average interest rates in Pennsylvania are below the national average.
Massachusetts law prohibits the issuance of balloon laws. Additionally, Massachusetts law requires that homes with individual sewage disposal systems must be inspected by a state-approved inspector, and all necessary repairs must be completed prior to loan closing.